First, I would like to know what's not to like about Cloverfield? Unless you suffer from motion sickness, I thought it was a very clever movie built around a tired old theme ("bad-thing-destroys-Manhattan"). My thought for the sequel: Another video is found that documents the same event from a different person's perspective. IMO, the whole thing wouldn't get old for at least 2 or 3 more movies.
Second, I have to concur, at least partly, about the B&K 2250. I say partly because I do like the sound recording to compact flash option. If you get a compact flash card with, say, 64 GB capacity, you can record (according to B&K's specs) over 185 hours of audio as 16-bit, 48 kHz WAV file(s). If all you need is a few hours - or even a full 24 - that leaves plenty of extra space for data. However, the major drawback to this (IMO) is that a 44.1 kHz sample rate does not appear to be an option. Guess the folks at B&K don't like to burn audio CDs...
(Of course, if someone would simply develop a way to attach a Type 1 mic and preamp to an somehow-record-enabled portable music player... But that's another bLog for another time...)
Another reason I concur is that there is HUGE feature that has been left out of the 2250: GPS capability. IMO, this needs to be a standard feature on all new SLMs from this point forward. At least on SLMs of B&K caliber. If they had included GPS and a way to access the meter remotely (Bluetooth, anyone?), it would deserve the hype.
Of course, over the years, a colleague and I have gone back and forth adding all sorts of bells and whistles to imaginary SLMs, only to conclude that what we really want is an acoustical automaton that replaces not only our bulky field survey equipment cases, but also replaces the operators (us), thus removing the need for us to have to travel with our bulky field survey equipment cases and go poking around cornfields, deserts, and well-to-do suburbs at 3 a.m.
But back to the real issue: What's not to like about Cloverfield???!!! :):):)